DAN BUTKUS, President (South Central Region)
Affiliations: Squash Lake District, Squash Lake Association
Counties: Oneida, Dane
CONTACT DAN: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Squash Lake District, Squash Lake Association
Counties: Oneida, Dane
CONTACT DAN: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Grindstone Lake Association, Grindstone Lake Foundation, Sawyer County Lakes Forum (SCLF)
Counties: Sawyer
CONTACT DONNA: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Shoreowners of Stone Lake Association (SOSLA), Washburn County Lakes & Rivers Association (WCLRA)
County: Washburn County
CONTACT CATHIE: cerickson@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Petenwell & Castle Rock Stewards (PACRS)
County: Adams, Juneau, and Wood Counties
CONTACT RICK: info@wisconsinlakes.org
CONTACT DAN: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Lake Country Clean Waters
County: Waukesha County
CONTACT CAROLINE: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Green Lake County Land Conservation Department
County: Green Lake County
CONTACT DEREK: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Legend Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District
County: Menominee County
CONTACT RICK: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Last Wilderness Alliance, Plum Lake Association
County: Vilas County
CONTACT JPHN: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Cloverleaf Lakes Association
County: Shawano County
CONTACT CHRIS: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Town of St Germain Town Lakes Committee; Found Lake Property Owners Association
County: Vilas
CONTACT BOB: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Walworth County Lakes Association
County: Walworth
CONTACT JAKE: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Affiliations: Rock Lake Improvement Association
County: Jefferson
CONTACT SUSAN: info@wisconsinlakes.org
Prior to accepting the Executive Director role in 2013, Mike came to Wisconsin Lakes as Membership & Communications Director in 2009. A graduate of Lawrence University in Appleton and UW-Madison Law School, Mike gained a great deal of experience with non-profit organizations while in school. He served as intern with 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin, during which time he helped rural towns write ordinances implementing their land use plans. After a short stint as a general practice attorney, he spent six years working for the River Alliance of Wisconsin before coming to Wisconsin Lakes. He has served on the boards of several non-profit organizations, including Prairie Music & Arts, the Tenant Resource Center of Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Community Fund, and is a graduate of Lawrence University in Appleton.
A paddler, hiker, and occasional trombonist, Mike is a lifelong resident of Wisconsin (except for four great years in Kentucky). Some of his fondest memories are of camping and canoeing the lakes of the northwoods, a pastime he now enjoys sharing with his family.