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DNR Opens New Surface Water Grant Program Proposed Guidance for Public Comment

Comments on the guidance, which helps customers navigate the program, apply for grants, and manage projects, is due by Friday, June 19, 2020

From Wisconsin DNR ~ June 9, 2020

The public has an opportunity to comment on the proposed guidance document for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ consolidated surface water grant program.

The surface water grant program helps local groups protect and restore lakes, rivers and wetlands, and, control aquatic invasive species. Nearly $6.5 million is provided each year in the form of cost-sharing grants used by local organizations and units of government to protect their property values, restore water quality and habitat, and ensure surface water resources are protected and restored for the mutual benefit of nature and society.

The draft guidance document helps customers navigate the program, apply for grants and manage projects. It follows on the heels of a major re-write consolidating 5 related grant programs under one new administrative code. The consolidated code clarifies policies, increases administrative consistency and efficiency and is intended to improve customer service and satisfaction. Input now will help ensure a successful launch of the updated program later this fall.

The first section of the guidance document provides a broad overview of the main steps to securing a grant. The second, third and fourth sections describe subprograms and project types. The remaining sections and appendices present additional information, including useful tips for navigating the surface water grant program. Finally, the appendices contain detailed information that may be useful for different subprograms and at various times during the life of a grant award.

You can access the document on the proposed program guidance website, under document ID CF-20-0002. Here is the direct link to the PDF. More information on the surface water grant program can be found here.

All comments received by June 19,2020 will be considered. Please review the draft guidance and email formal comments to DNRSurfaceWaterGrants@wisconsin.gov. The final program guidance document will be posted on Final DNR Program Guidance site in July.

For more information, contact Alison Mikulyuk, DNR Lakes and Rivers Team Leader, at Alison.Mikulyuk@Wisconsin.gov

Subscribe to the DNR Surface Water Grant Program newsletter here.