Wisconsin Lakes

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Let’s Be Salt Wise! A WI Salt Wise/WI Lakes webinar

February 18 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Join Wisconsin Lakes as we host Allison Madison of Wisconsin Salt Wise in a discussion of salt and how it’s overuse can pollute our lakes, streams, and groundwater.

According to Salt Wise, while we rely on salt to keep our roads safe in the winter and to soften water in our homes year-round using more salt than is needed comes with a heavy price. In Wisconsin and much of the United States, chloride from salt is infiltrating into our lakes, streams and groundwater. In fact, it only takes 1 teaspoon of salt to pollute 5 gallons of water to a level that is toxic for freshwater ecosystems. We can all work together to promote best practices!

WI Salt Wise is a coalition of organizations from across Wisconsin working together to reduce salt pollution in our lakes, streams and drinking water. The coalition’s primary goals are to educate residents, leaders and winter maintenance professionals on salt pollution and solutions, to provide training and promote best practices to reduce salt pollution, and to recognize those committed to minimizing their salt footprint.

Click here to register for the webinar on Tue, Feb 18!

Learn more about #thetruecostofsalt and how you can make a difference.

And if you just cant wait for February, there’s lots going on this week, all part of Winter Salt Week 2025!


February 18
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Wisconsin Lakes
WI Salt Wise