Today we celebrate this big blue marble we call home
By Michael Engleson, Executive Director
Today, April 22, 2020, is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, a worldwide day of celebration and call to action to protect and preserve our planet that has its roots right here in the Badger state. In this extraordinary time, as humanity struggles with a pandemic, celebrating what we’ve accomplished and acknowledging all that remains to be done is all the more important.
To all of you working tirelessly to keep Wisconsin’s waters clean and safe for all life on earth – thank you.
I share with you my special place, Fallison Lake in the Northern Highlands State Forest outside of Sayner. A place I’ve hiked since I was a kid and that I shared with my kid, where I’ve watched loons and beavers, been surrounded by swarms of dragonflies and butterflies and chased by swarms of bees.

We all have our special places. That’s why we do what we do. As we sit at home today with all our worries, take a moment and go to your special place. It’s still there, waiting for when you can return, and thankful for all you do to keep it special.