2020 Wisconsin Lakes Stewardship Awards
Nominating a person or group for an award
Download the 2020 Instructions
Download the 2020 Nomination Form (Word)
Download the 2020 Nomination Form (.pdf)
Nomination Steps
Please complete all of the following steps before the December 23, 2019 deadline so that your nomination will be considered. All materials must be assembled and submitted by December 23. The person making the nomination may seek help from the nominee in providing information for this award. Stewardship Award nomination forms are available at www.wisconsinlakes.org
- Choose a category. Choose one of the five categories (described above) that fits most closely. The Stewardship Awards Selection Committee may elect to move a nominee from one category to another.
- Complete the nomination form. Please fill in all the information requested on the nomination form.
- Gather at least 2 letters of support explaining why the nominee is deserving of the Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award. The nominator must submit at least 2 letters of support from individuals or groups with knowledge of the nominee’s efforts and, better yet, experience working with the person or group who has been nominated. No more than 5 letters of support will be accepted. Please keep all letters of support to no more than 2 pages. More letters of support will not translate into a higher ranking of the candidate— the Awards Committee seeks quality over quantity. Please provide these letters electronically if possible, rather than mailing paper copies.
- Gather no more than 3 pieces of supporting information that demonstrate why the nominee deserves a Lake Stewardship Award. Examples of the kinds of materials that may be submitted include: news articles highlighting the nominee’s efforts and contributions, materials developed by the nominee, or other awards or recognition the nominee has received for their lake-related efforts. Choose concise materials that are relevant to your petition encouraging the nominee’s selection as a Lake Stewardship Award winner. No more than 3 pieces of supporting information will be accepted (aim for quality over quantity). Please provide materials electronically if possible, rather than mailing paper copies.
Send materials to:
PREFERRED: info@wisconsinlakes.org; Put “Lake Stewardship Award nomination” in the subject line, or send to:
Materials may also be mailed to:
Wisconsin Lakes
Attn: Lake Stewardship Awards Committee
716 Lois Dr
Sun Prairie WI 53590
Contact the Wisconsin Lakes office for more information or questions
Phone: 608-661-4313.
E-mail: info@wisconsinlakes.org
About the Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Awards
The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership presents these awards each year at the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention in celebration of the extraordinary volunteer and professional efforts made to protect and improve lakes in Wisconsin. The Stewardship Awards represent our best collective effort to honor and celebrate all the incredible work that goes into securing a bright future for Wisconsin’s lakes.
New nominees this year, plus those from the previous two years, are considered in each category.
The 2020 Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award winners and new nominees will be celebrated at the Wisconsin Lakes & Rivers Convention, happening April 1-3, 2020 at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Stevens Point.
Stewardship Award Categories
There are five Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award categories to recognize outstanding contributions of time and effort to the future of our lakes. Awards may not be handed out in each category every year, and the selection committee reserves the right to move a nominee to a different category.
- Citizen: This category celebrates the many dedicated volunteers whose actions are protecting our lakes and encouraging others to do the same. They are, for example, working with local governments to ensure that land use decisions consider lake and watershed health, teaching others about lakes, and extending a helping hand to advance lake protection goals.
- Organized group: This category is to recognize the many types of partnerships for lake protection: lake associations, lake management districts, countywide lakes and rivers associations, conservancies, friends groups, and other collaborative efforts. A commitment to involving people in lake management decisions and being a catalyst for lake protection initiatives are a few traits of previous Stewardship Award winners in this category. In the past, the committee has chosen to award two organizations in this category, separating a regional entity and a “single lake” organization award.
- Public service: This category is to honor public officials and employees from state and local agencies who are really making a difference in the work they do. Building meaningful relationships, overcoming big challenges, and teaching people how to make well-informed lake management decisions are a few traits that distinguish nominees in this category.
- Youth/Educator: This category recognizes young lake leaders or youth groups who are getting others excited about lakes, monitoring and studying lakes, and participating in lake related projects in their communities.
- Business: Businesses are a key part of our team working for clean, safe, healthy lakes for everyone. This category recognizes firms that have shown outstanding commitment to the ecological health of our lakes in providing products or services to lake people and lake communities.
Previous nominees eligible in 2020:
Rollie Alger
Jon Blume
Carol Elvery
Candy Ramsay
Tom Schroeder*
Black Oak Lake Preservation Society
Iron County LCD (Heather Palmquist and Zach Wilson)*
2019 Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award Winners
Nate & Jessica Rice
North Lakeland Discovery Center (Multiple Lakes/Regional)
Beaver Dam Lake Management District of Barron County (Single Lake)
Public Service
Sandy Wickman
Communities of Oshkosh North, Fall of 2017