One Week Left to Nominate a Lake Steward!
WI Lake Stewardship Nominations are due December 15, 2021
By Wisconsin Lakes staff

Do you know an outstanding person or group who dedicates time and talent to our state’s water resources? We encourage you to nominate them for the prestigious Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award! The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership presents the Wisconsin Lake Stewardship awards each year in celebration of the extraordinary volunteer and professional efforts made to protect and improve lakes in Wisconsin. The Stewardship Awards represent our best collective effort to honor and celebrate all the incredible work that goes into ensuring the future of our state’s legacy of lakes.
The categories and nomination process is slightly different than it has been in the past, and Extension Lakes staff is handling the administration of the awards, so make sure to read up on the changes.
You can get all the info you need at the awards page on the brand new, a website celebrating all that is Wisconsin Water Week! With info on the WI Lakes & Rivers Convention, other Water Week activities, and the Lake Stewardship Awards, there’s lots to peruse. And it’s built on Wisconsin Lakes’ own “Lakekit” platform.
Again, nominations are due in just a week, December 15, so get your nominations in!