Resolution Idea for the WI Conservation Congress? Now is the time!
Wisconsinites are invited to participate in the Wisconsin Conservation Congress Resolution Process through Feb. 24, 2025
By Wisconsin Lakes staff
Resolution submissions for the Wisconsin Conservation Congress are being accepted through Feb. 24, 2025. Information on the Congress and how to apply, provided by the WI Dept. of Natural Resources, is below.
WCC resolutions have been used recently to raise awareness of the impact of wakesports on Wisconsin’s lakes, as well as other issues like aquatic invasive species management. We often get asked about these efforts, so here are a couple of things to consider:
- Resolutions, if passed and if they make it through the entire process, are advisory. The Congress provides results as suggestions to legislators, the Natural Resources Board, and DNR officials and passage of a resolution does not mandate legislation, a rulemaking, or any change in policy
- We have been told that resolutions that cover the same topic that have been covered in previous years have less chance of moving forward. Given the amount of work required to get a resolution accepted, that is probably an additional factor to keep in mind
- While only advisory, WCC resolutions do carry extra weight with some legislators and the DNR as to a gauge of opinion for outdoors enthusiasts in Wisconsin. While not a scientific survey, the statewide vote can show interest in a particular issue.
DNR provided the following press release with information on the Congress and its resolution submission process:
**Contact:** DNR Office of
Wisconsinites Invited To Participate In Wisconsin Conservation Congress Resolution Process

- The concern must be of statewide impact.
- The concern must be practical, achievable and reasonable.
- The concern must be within the mission and vision of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress.
An individual may submit no more than two resolutions per year. Those interested in submitting a resolution are encouraged to reach out to the resolution review committee or their WCC County Chair for guidance in drafting a resolution. Additional tips on preparing a resolution are available on the WCC and DNR’s Spring Hearings webpage. Resolutions will be accepted until Feb. 24, 2025. At the close of the submission process, the resolutions will be reviewed by a committee of WCC delegates to ensure they meet the criteria for inclusion and will be prepared for the spring hearing agenda and online input, which kicks off on April 14 and will close on April 16. For further information or questions, contact Terri Roehrig, Executive Committee Member of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, at 920-540-2775.