Speak for Lakes – Directly to the Governor!
Wish you had a chance to discuss what you’d like to see in the state budget next year in regards to lakes and clean water? On Dec 2, Governor Evers is giving you a chance to be heard
By Wisconsin Lakes staff
This is your chance to “speak for lakes!”
Governor Evers’ Budget Listening Session on Environment, Infrastructure, and the Economy – Wednesday, December 2 at 6 p.m.

In 2018, the Governor held public listening sessions around the state for the “People’s Budget,” the two-year state budget proposal he submits to the legislature in early February of each odd-numbered year. But like everything else, this year’s sessions are being held virtually.
Organized by topic, the hearing on Dec 2 is soliciting comments on the environment, as well as infrastructure and the economy. The Governor’s office says the listening sessions “will provide the governor with an opportunity to hear about the issues affecting our communities and our state directly from Wisconsin families and workers.”
This provides you, the lakes community, with an excellent opportunity to express your opinions directly to the Governor’s staff. Whatever issue you believe needs to be addressed in the budget – from adequate funding for county conservation staff , to reauthorization of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund, to addressing AIS, water quality or other issues – this is a great time to do so. While there’s no guarantee that your issue will ultimately appear in the Governor’s budget proposal or that the Legislature will take it up in a difficult year for the state financially, it’s still important for your issue to be heard so that all lawmakers understand the importance placed on clean, safe, protected water in Wisconsin by the people of the state. It is at difficult times like this that our voices need to be at their most prominent.
If you cannot attend the session on Dec 2 but wish to submit a written statement, you can do that at least through Dec 16, here.
The Governor’s release on the listening sessions talks about what to expect on that day’s Zoom:
Each listening session will begin with all participants in a large group meeting where they will hear from both Governor Evers and Lieutenant Governor Barnes. After the introduction, all participants will be automatically moved to small group breakout rooms where they can have a more in-depth discussion on various budget topics. The governor and lieutenant governor will cycle through the smaller group discussions to listen to the conversation throughout the evening.
Staff from the governor and lieutenant governor’s offices, as well as policy experts from our administration, will be in each breakout room to help facilitate discussion and take notes on feedback, ideas, and suggestions from Wisconsinites. In addition to the governor and lieutenant, members of the governor’s cabinet, administration members, and state legislators, will likely also be in attendance.
Budget Listening Session on Environment, Infrastructure, and the Economy
Wednesday, December 2 at 6 p.m.
Register to attend here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlduuuqz4sGNSJepfV9pFNsS1NSjTiPqnh
This event will be streamed live at WisEye.org/live.
Subsequent listening sessions will cover criminal justice reform (Dec 8) and schools and education (Dec 16). For more information, see the Governor’s announcement of the listening sessions.