Wisconsin Lakes

We Speak for Lakes

WI Lakes

What’s Your Capacity?

Complete Extension Lakes’ Lake Organization Capacity Survey

By Extension Lakes Staff

Over 500 lake associations and 212 lake districts exist today in Wisconsin. Each group has individuals like yourself from different backgrounds with a variety of skill sets, all working together to improve the quality of our lakes.

Thank you!

Whether you are part of a lake association or a lake district, you are contributing your time and skills to protect in partnership our legacy of lakes. An effective lake organization has high levels of capacity which can include 1) member capacity, 2) relational capacity, 3) organizational capacity, and 4) programmatic capacity. Extension Lakes is interested in learning how you rate your own organization’s capacity along these different dimensions. We will summarize results at the county and regional level to help guide our programming in coming years.

Please take some time to share your perspective in this important surveyhttps://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7V7UjIqFPXuhlOZ (thank you if you’ve already completed it)

NOTE: Your responses will be anonymous. We also need as many lake organization board members as possible to complete this survey. If you receive this email and can forward this to your fellow board members, we would very much appreciate it!